Cow in Indian culture is treated like a mother. Mythologically it is a sacred animal that is worshipped same as the gods. A cow just does not provide us with milk only, Gaumutra and Gobar have medicinal benefits that are beyond science.
A cow has so many uses that one cannot get enough of it in a single life. Because even after death it is believed that the soul holds on to the tail of a cow and the cow gets the soul to cross the Vaitarni Nadi. In Hindu mythology, Cow is shown riding alongside a number of Gods, including Krishna, the cowherd God, and Shiva, who rides his Bull Nandi.
Some of the shastra also tell us that after being in the body of a cow, the next reincarnation of the soul is in the form of a human being. It is no exaggeration that cow is not even considered as an animal but as a divine entity in India. The cow is described as "Kamdhenu" or the heavenly cow, which fulfills all desires, in early Hindu writings. Its four legs represent the "Vedas," the ancient Hindu books, and its udder represents the four goals of life, which include material wealth, desire, righteousness, and salvation. Its horns symbolize the gods.
There is no higher honor and satisfaction than taking care of a cow and doing Gau Sewa, and as our Puranas have said, your life is incomplete without Gau Sewa, we all should make ourselves readily available for Gau Sewa.